Computer analysis of Nostradamus' text with suggestions that there will be a mammoth platinum discovery in the Gawler Craton of South Australia by Dominin Mining

A set of predictive verses by the author of this site- showing reasons and conclusions

Acknowledgement: I use Erika Cheetham's book 'The Final Prophecies of Nostradamus (WarnerBooks 1995)  as the source for my research. This source I assess as being the most likely to be an accurate record of Nostradamus' writings (scholarship, time and original material form the basis of my assessment).

Precis (2002):   Nostradamus quatrains imply that Dominion Mining will begin mining at the Challenger open cut gold source with its stated two year plan but will be forced to change its operation as the massive extent of the ore-body emerges. The gold gets richer and richer as they develop it. They will find that underlying the gold is an ore body of diverse minerals, possibly containing the platinum metals of Platinum, Palladium, Iridium and Rhodium as well as nickel and cobalt. This find will change the understanding of the geology of the whole Craton Basin in South Australia.

A testable prediction by Allan Webber (email address


March 2nd 2007 addendum : One of the lines listed in the original anaysis is "Le grand conduict est cache dans la malle" (C.2 Q.17 L.3) It means that "A great chute/corridor is hidden under the malle" The word 'malle' has an extraordinary significance to this mine. If the word 'malle' is seen as 'mallee' it identifies a unique Australian-style landscape (small scrubby eucalypt trees) exactly suited to the South Australian outback. Much of what  has happened with the mine is summarized in this one line for another rich hidden chute has just been found. And taking the word conduit to mean 'a corridor' would give a credibility to something major still hidden beneath the current level.

April 31st 2007. I've just bought some Mithril Resources shares. They are earning 75% interest in a joint venture with Dominion and are drilling for nickel in the exact region that these writings predicted six years ago would hold  nickel, platinum etc. Its right alongside Half Moon Lake (see later). It's not that I think my writings prove they'll find a massive deposit but people often find worse reasons for speculating than this!!!

  Picture from presentation by Mithril Resources (MTH)


April 7th 2001: The Strange Case of Dominion Mining

On 15th March 2001 Dominion mining announced that it had achieved 'a spectacular series of drilling results' at its Challenger Gold Project. In essence it was finding that the deeper it went (85 to 150 metres) the richer the gold readings became and from 137 metres  it experienced 12 metres at 56gms /tonne.

This announcement focussed my interest back on an analysis I first did two years ago. I wanted to find verses in Nostradamus in which I could discern clearly testable messages using my anagrammatic technique. Having established the probable content of the message I could then use any confirmation in the real world as a possible means of breaking the date code that I am certain lies in Nostradamus' work.

There is of course a significant flaw in this method in that the relationship between the messages I find and the real world may be coincidental. I may have found false messages, there may be none or I might be wrong about there being a code in Nostradamus. And if there are messages why should they relate to mining in Australia?

In  this earlier work at one stage I focused on mining companies in Australia as developments in mineral exploration tend to be very well datable. They don't grow over  a period but happen with the timely presence of the drill. I could therefore be fully aware of any activity that fitted to a pattern. And I could justify this method despite its seeming illogical premise that a statement on mining in Australia might exist in Nostradamus.

To many an essential assumption in my research would seem a fatal flaw or a sign of a psychological imbalance in my way of thinking. The assumption is this "If I am trying to discover whether Nostradamus was a prophet I have to assume he was one in order to understand the scope and quite peculiar nature  of the possible evidence"

As a corollary to this I also have to assume that " I succeed and that Nostradamus knew of my efforts".  This does not mean that I believe I will succeed or that Nostradamus was a prophet for the assumptions are purely made in order to be in tune with the topic and not as personal attributes. Belief, hope, assumption; they are not one and the same and each could and should be held independently.

So I investigated name patterns within Nostradamus for a range of mining companies and of these Dominion mining was the most outstanding. Many names like 'Helix' occur too often to be certain as to the content of any messages. Too much could be made out of the many instances that were to be found.

See my home site for more detail on my method of analysis

'Dominion' however only occurs twice as a split anagram in the 942 verses of Nostradamus Centuries. These are at I.69 (Centuries I, Quatrain 69) and V.97.

One of Dominion Mining's operations is in South Australia in the Gawler Craton. Here it controls exploration rights to an area about one third the size of the whole of Florida or over  half of its   peninsula. No more different landscape could exist than that between the Gawler Craton and Florida. The population is in hundreds, the ground hard,  red and waterless. The region's potential is relatively unknown for the bedrock does not protrude at any point and lies deep beneath the surface. Recent methods have indicated its prospectivity and the Challenger deposit is the first significant find in the area. Dominion has a vast number of untested locations which it has not pursued because of its concentration on this find, all of which is relevant to my research.

The Gawler Craton is a massive structure and  part of it (on the other side of the Craton) was referred to as the Hitalba granite sequence.

I tested for split-anagrams of Gauler (Gawler)-Craton and Hitalba. There are 8 examples of   'Gauler-Craton' and a further 7 of 'Gawlers-Craton' one of which is quatrain I. 69. There are 15 examples of 'Hitalba' one of which is V.97. This latter verse also includes the split anagram of 'granite'.

v.97.3 Dans la cite du grand Roy habitable

Furthermore the words GAWLER and CRATON can also be seen as  a split-anagram and a whole-anagram respectively. This not true in most of the other occurrences of the anagram Gauler(s)-Craton.

1.69.3 RoULERA loin abismant Grans CONTRAdes

Prior to 2001 Dominion Mining had a partner in this vast area. The name of this partner 'Resolute Resources' can be seen as  'esRoule-t'='Resolute'  or 'ntradesRoul'= 'and Resolute'.

There are therefore numerous reasonable associations that link the verse to this one topic of 'Dominion Mining'. However anagrams do not make  a unique set  and other messages might well be built in any verse. My task is to find a set that could establish their truth or falseness when measured against actual events. Neither truth nor falseness establishes that there is or isn't an actual prophecy but a set that agrees with actual events offers hope that the right message of the particular quatrains is being read.

The numerous associations outlined above gives hope that it might reflect some intrinsic meaning but it can do no more than this. It is not proof.

There are further reasons that these verses appeared worthy of analysis as predictors of 'Dominion Mining'. They involve the signifigance of the public face of Nostradamus words. These also do not constitute proof .

In I.69.4 the words 'antique' 'foundation' appear. In line 1 there is 'a great mountain of seven stades'. These hint at geological signifigance and in particular to granitic bedrock .

This is also true of V.97.4 where 'inestimable' 'tonne' can clearly be seen.

With all of these guides I can try to structure the two verses to read their message. The aim is that the anagram groupings should be as simple as possible and read from left to right. My result can vary but its essential message remains much the same under these rules. This is how these two verses appear.

La grand montaigne ronde de sept stades

Large reading nominated depends on stated region
Apres paix, guerre, faim,inondation
Appear expansion refer a-figure nominated at DOMINION
Roulera loin abismant grans contrades
Resolute obtains GAULER-CRATONS minerals coordinates 
Mesmes antiques et grand fondation
Nominated estimation equates granites foundation


Le nay difforme par horreur suffoque
Delay in offer, for map suffer from queer error
Dans la cite du grand Roy habitable
And it elucidates Hiltaba ordinary granite
L'edict seuere des captifs reuoque
Set rule decides aspect first source quote
Gresle et tonnere Condon inestimable
Largest tonnes set DOMINION timetable conditions

So for at least two years I have had a message that implies something quite massive to be found as Dominion drills deeper.

Once more the question of belief becomes important. Do I as a consequence of my analysis believe Dominion will find significant ore-bodies? The best answer is that of actions not of words. For several years (and before I began my analysis) I  have owned 28,000 Dominion shares. In 2002 I owned 28,000 shares and had no intent of changing this holding. ( The amount held was varied in 2005 increasing the holding to over 50,000 shares.)

Several years ago I identified  another difficulty in associating Dominion's success with Nostradamus. There is a good chance that the words prove true for this is the nature of Dominion's activities to explore for vast mineral wealth in a country where such hidden ore-bodies are not uncommon. Such a discovery should not lead anyone to believe that my method of analysis is proven right.

There is a difficulty with trying to analyze Nostradamus' predictive powers. Too many read events into his work after they have happened. In order to pursue the analyses and having established that the events are trending in the same direction as my earlier work I need to place some of this work on the public record.

One of the consequences of the announcement by 'Dominion' was that I determined to look into other keywords relating to Dominion and in particular 'Challenger Mine'. The rest of this paper is about the seven quatrains that contain   'Challenger' and the one verse that contains 'Challenger Mine'.

The theme of these quatrains reinforces those of the two previously presented. They imply that Dominion will begin mining in its open cut with its stated two year plan but will be forced to change its operation as the massive extent of the ore-body emerges. They will find that underlying the gold is an ore body of diverse minerals, possibly containing the platinum metals of Platinum, Palladium, Iridium and Rhodium as well as nickel and cobalt. This find will change the understanding of the geology of the whole Craton Basin.


These verses are now presented below (It should be noted Au is the chemical symbol for gold).


Le chef de Londres par regne l'Americh

CHALLENGER map refers richer golden mineral
L'isle d'Escosse tempiera par gellee
Lies deep so closest map a simple area allege
Roy Reb auront vn si faux antechrist
Ore by Au (=gold) veins convert; Au fix its certain history
Que les mettra trestous dans la meslee
Equal treatments sets out metals and elements
Ambassadeurs de la Toscane langue
Mass based under leads located as neu calendars begun
Auril et May Alpes et mer passer
Au material parameters apply as years pass
Celuy de veau exposera l'harange
CHALLENGER real value duly exposed several years
Vie Gauloise ne venant effacer
Given size of Gauler its value never affect

Release to ASX on 1st March 2007 fufils the conditions stated in this verse. A very rich 'shadow zone' had been found under the M1 shoot (Mass based under leads located as new calendars begun).

Quarterly Report January 31st 2002: Dominion reports " A programme of diamond core tail drilling to better define the Challenger M1 and M2 shoots within the 100 metre zone immediately underlying the proposed open pit is in progress. Analytical results of this drilling will be available during the March quarter. Initial visual indications from the 5 holes (of 9 planned holes) completed to date  are encouraging with each of the holes intersecting typical alteration and sulphide mineralisation as well as visible gold in 4 of the 5 holes.

Quarterly Report March 31st 2005: Dominion reported that the mine was exceeding expectations and that each of the zones was richer yielding wide, rich intersections of gold.

19/01/2006 Quarterly Report Company Comments :

Challenger Operations

    1. Record quarterly gold production of 29,860 ounces representing a 25% increase over the September quarter production of 23,847 ounces.
    2. Cash site operating costs were $258 per ounce gold produced, down 17% from the September quarter of $311 per ounce.
    3. Head grade of 10.67 g/t up 28% on the previous quarter of 8.31 g/t.
    4. Over-reconciliation of 70% of ounces mined on stopes completed to date resulted in the upgrade of the M1 shoot reserves.
    5. Reserves have been maintained after allowing for the 6 months production of 53,707 ounces - reserves as at 31 December 2005 are 292,000 ounces of gold.
    6. Underground diamond and percussion drilling results continue to support the high grade nature of the M1 shoot with the next levels to be mined giving excellent results including 16 metres at 17.7 g/t gold, 2.25 metres at 376 g/t gold, 8.5 metres at 125.25 g/t gold, 7.5 metres at 216.1 g/t gold and 2.25 metres at 322.5 g/t gold.
    7. High grade underground diamond drill results highlight the potential for a revised resource /reserve upgrade for the M2 shoot during the next 6 months – results include 1.00 at 192.8 g/t gold, 1 metre at 186.9 g/t gold, 2.85 metres at 140 g/t gold and 4 metres at 34.3g /t gold.
Lune obscurcie aux profondes tenebres
Bonus occurs belou its Au; proof as probe extends
Son frere passe de couleur ferrugine
So referenced rule passed louuer igneous figure
Le grand cache long temps soubs les tenebres
Enlarged CHALLENGER golden map; here bonus elements belong
Tiedera fer dans la plaie sanguine
Tried safer idea and genuine palladians realise

In the 2002 Annual Report the Directors say : 
"It is also planned to drill at least one hole to test the continuation of the Challenger M1 shoot below the previous deepest intersection." 
This drilling program continued to expand the richness and width of the gold.

In the Quarterly Report March 30th 2005  Dominion reports that the deep extension drilling was about to commence "The South Australian Government have allocated funding for collaborative drilling programs between PIRSA and industry. Dominion submitted 2 proposals for this funding – one to test the continuity of the Challenger M1 shoot at a vertical depth of 700m (150m vertically below the previous wildcat hole), the other to test the Notrab prospect gold in calcrete anomaly located in the Barton area, 130 km SW of Challenger. 

Both of these proposals have been approved with $100,000 being allocated to the Challenger drilling and up to $35,000 towards the Notrab drilling. These programs will be carried out in the next quarter."


Le camp du temple de la vierge vestale
SelectPalladeum MetalsPlaced VitalLevelsAgree
Non esloinge d'ethne et monts Pyrenees
NoneIsGoldenThenMeet DepthsEntry NotedPyritesElementsGone
Le grand conduict est cache dans la malle
ChallengerDeductions AndClaimsEachTest SetLandsMetalCache
North getez fleuues et vignes mastinees
UsefulNamesGivenTogether EstimatesZoneSeen
Verse II.17 revised 6/08/2002 to show anagrams as clusters- The message is slightly different but essentially the same. 
Each word still exists as a singly split anagram but they abut each other to form a cluster as shown.
The above verse mentions a camp to the north. Campfire Bore is a prominent target for drilling in 2002-2003.
It is to the north of the Challenger mine.
Le grand sepulchre du peuple Aquitanique
ChallengerUpperLeadUsed AQuiteUniquePlace
S'approchera aupres de la Toscane
SanerApproachLocatesDeeps AuOreSearch
Quand Mars sera pres du coing Germanique
ManagerEquipsCodingSquares ProducesRemainingGrams
Et au terroir de la gent Mantuane
Verse III.32 revised 6/08/2002 to show anagrams as clusters- The message is different  in that it is simpler and more sensible, especially in line s 3 and 4
Dans Auignon tout le chef de l'empire
AndUsingOnMapRelied InRegion EachLeftOut
Fera arrest pour Paris desole
Tricast tiendra l'Annibalique ire
RequireAStrict BiennialCalendarTraits
Lyon par change sera mal console
OnlyMapAreaChanges RelyOnLocals AsChallengerOpens
Verse III.93 revised 6/08/2002 to show anagrams as clusters- The message is slightly different but essentially the same            
Le changement sera fort difficile
MineOfChallengerStarted OfficialElementsChange
Cite prouince au change gain fera
AuOuncePriceChangeAgainAfter EngageInFear
Coeur haut prudent mis chasse luy habile
TheMachinesProduceUUater EasesHaulByPrudentLimits
Mer terre peuple son estat changera
LocatesTheUpperRange OreTreatmentsChange
   Verse IV.21 revised 6/08/2002 to show anagrams as clusters- The message is slightly different but essentially the same            
NOTE: Line 2 came true during 2006 when gold rose sharply as a result of fear (Iraq, London etc).                                                                                                                                                                           
Quarterly Report January 31st 2002: Dominion reports :
 "Sufficient design work has been advanced to ensure that construction will be on schedule for
 plant commissioning during September 2002. Orders for the supply of a village and a reverse osmosis plant
for potable water supply have been placed to suit this schedule."
"Construction of a borefield for project water supply is currently in progress following the granting
 of a Miscellaneous Licence for the borefield area"
Au roy l'Augur sur le chef la main mettre
FetchAsMainMetalRule AuOreGurusRely
Viendra prier pour la paix Italique
APopularIndex EquivalentXII AppearUnvaried
A la main gauche viendra changer le sceptre
EachAspectChallengerUnvaried MineralUsageAchieve
De Roy viendra Empereur pacifique
OreMapIndeedVary RequiredPureMafic
Several interesting things happened in the course of this research which gave me considerable satisfaction.

In V.6 line 4 the combination of letters compelled me to use the split anagram 'mafic'. Although I knew it as a geological term for igneous rock I wanted a more  specific definition. Fortunately neither of my home dictionaries included this word.

Additionally   I.84 line 3 had a reference to 'couleur ferrugine' which hints at geological significance. When I investigated the word 'mafic' in 'The Glossary of Geology' I was delighted to find it meant 'an igneous material of dark coloured ferrugenous nature".

Quatrain I.84 also carries a reference to a dark covering on an obscured moon. In re-examining a locality map of the Challenger Mine I found that to the south-west is a mainly dry lake called 'Half Moon Lake' which is certainly obscured by the red dust. 

In addition Quatrain I.84 line 3 has as its public message 'that a great deposit is hidden under the darkness'. The word cache (= hidden deposit) used in this line is also to be found in II.17 line 3 and the next line of this refers to rivers to the North and this is basically correct although they are strictly speaking dry creeks that feed the lake. The dimension of the find may be disclosed in these geographical measures.

In particular it will possibly be discovered that the deposit stretches from above the Challenger mine to beneath Half Moon Lake, a distance of over 100 kilometres (60 miles).

Quatrain I.84 line 4 and II.17 line  1 also hold a possible allusion to platinum metals. The anagrams 'palladians' and 'palladeum' are inaccurate spellings and I do not usually allow myself that luxury but the difficulty of a better solution and their consecutive nature in the Dominion sequence encourages me to use them. (I have since found both used in reference to Palladium).

In addition II.17 refers to the 'temple of the vestal virgins'. There is only one other verse in the quatrains that uses the same term. X1.9 lines 1 and 2 state 'When the  lamp burning with eternal fire will be found in the temple of the vestal virgins'. I arrived at Palladium from the anagrams in I.84 and II.17 and it is only after writing the foregoing entries of this and the previous  paragraph that I researched 'The temple of the Vestal Virgins'. I had a hunch the term was significant. I then learnt that the Vestal Virgins were the guardians of the Palladium of Troy which was meant to be the treasure of the temple. The Palladium of Troy  was the shield of Pallas Athena. I had therefore convinced myself of the importance of 'palladians' and 'palladeum' before I knew the relevant  aspects of the vestal virgins.

The reader will note that various words are highlighted in the above verses. These are words that are repeated in others of the series. I believe these will be the key to the dating and will meet  Nostradamus clue that further secrets will be revealed to those who keep to ' the names and their places'.

In conclusion it should be apparent that the above does not constitute a basis for investment in Dominion.

Addendum-8th April 2001: In a dictionary I found Palladian  can mean  'referent to the goddess Pallas Athena'.  In another source -Palladium was named in 1803 (about 250 years after Nostradamus death) and was based on a then recently discovered asteroid. This asteroid had been given the  name Pallas based on Pallas Athena.

Most peculiar!!  

Addendum-3rd February 2002: Yesterday I looked at the incidence of 'platinum' and 'palladium'  in Nostradamus' text. There are 11 places where split anagrams of 'platinum' occur and only one  where 'palladium' occurs. The first place that 'platinum' occurs is of considerable interest to me. This is in verse I.48 which reads:

Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez
Twenty years of the Moons reign shall pass
Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie
Seven thousand years another takes his monarchy
Quand le Soleil prendra ses jours lassez
When the Sun takes up his final days
Lors accompli et mine ma prophetie
Will be accomplished these prophecies of mine

Now the  English anagrammatic solution of line four is not vastly different from the original but links ideas in the verse to state how the solution will be accomplished.

Lors accompli et mine ma prophetie
MinesMetalOre CompilePropheticTitleName 

What is the prophetic title name? It is possible the answer is contained in the rest of the verse. Consider line 2 and in its content can  be seen these English anagrams.

Now my claim at the commencement of this paper was that I was using the discovery of this platinum mine in the Gawler Craton to develop a time map for the decoding of Nostradamus. Its aim was to give definite dates to the ciphers. There is an anagram in this second line  that is most interesting. The second line reads:

Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie
AustralianRetained RichestPlatinumAs TimesNormalCipher

The anagram for 'Australian' occurs 18 times within the 3700 lines of Nostradamus' text.

The first line also has a set of clear anagrams:

Vingt ans du regne de la Lune passez
UnderstandGivenAll ValuezLegendPass

The third line appears to be a clue to the method of solution but has nothing startling within it.

Quand le Soleil prendra ses jours lassez
JournalsAddressEqualsSizes OrePilesAreEndless

So it is possible to take a verse of special meaning to Nostradamus and find within it some unusual coding solutions that point to the method I am using.

This is what one would expect if Nostradamus could see the future but it does not prove anything. The evidence must still come from the centre of  South Australia. There is no statement from Dominion Mining that leads me to believe they are exploring for platinum around the Challenger mine. If they do find a massive platinum ore-body at depth it is not an event that could reasonably have been anticipated and it is highly unlikely that in the normal course of events such a discovery will take place.  And until it happens (if it ever does) all of my research is purely fanciful  speculation.

Centuries IX Verse 56

I stated at the commencement of this addendum that there was only one verse with an anagram of  'palladium' and there were 11 with 'platinum'.  Centuries IX verse 56 contains the anagram for palladium. It also contains, in a separate line, one of the eleven anagrams for 'platinum'. Given that this is in itself an unusual event the other decipherable words within it are again most curious.

Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville
The army near Noudan will pass Goussainville
Et a Maiotes laissera son enseigne
and will leave its scar in Maiotes
Conuertira en instant plus de mille
In an instant more than a thousand will be converted
Cherchant les deux remettre on chaine et legne
looking for the two who will put back the chain and wood


The first line clearly contains anagrams for  'Camp or village opened' and the recent statement by Dominion announced their plans for a village at the Challenger site. The word 'gossan' can also be seen. This is a geological term referring to an oxidised, iron bearing deposit overlying an ore body that contains sulphides.  Usually a gossan is exposed to the surface and this allows  the oxidisation to occur but it is unusual for such outcrops to occur in the Gawler Craton. It may be a surface feature from an earlier time that has since been covered.

Camp pres de Noudam passera Goussan ville
CampOrVillage PreparesSoDensePalladium UsesAroundGossan

The second line again contains clear anagrams  related to geology

Et a Maiotes laissera son enseigne
SoInIsolateSiteAreas OneMetalAsEngineersAsset

The third line again contains a revelation of what develops as the the village is about to be started.

Conuertira en instant plus de mille
PlatinumIntroducesIntense RoutineMineralCluesInstead

The fourth line gives more commentary on  the impact of this new discovery.

Cherchant les deux remettre on chaine et legne
Challenger-Trench MachineExert TreatElementUsed

Centuries X Verse 84

Finally verse X.84 and its interpreted anagrams imply Nostradumus put a platinum pattern into ten verses which hold labels.


La naturelle a si hault non bas
AustralianTrueLabelHas ANaturalBasis
Le tard retour fera martis contens
AstronomicFeature AfterOrderContentsMaterials
Le Recloing ne sera sans debarz
RecallBandsAreSeersZoning EnclosingAreas
En empliant et perdant tout son temps
PlatinumPatternedTo TenPoemsNostredamePut


End of Paper


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