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The following is the result in one verse using the methods stated earlier. Verse
The following is the result in a relevant verse using the methods stated earlier. Verse
There are originally forty planes used in the raid by Israel to take out a tower on the coast of the Gulf. Once the squadrons arrive it is apparent that more soldiers are needed and a request is sent out for reinforcements.It is agreed to send in paratroopers but to do so clear identifying markers need to be set out by the invading troops. The nature of the Gulf is such that the markers cannot be seen. Yet despite this, and against the fears of the paratroopers, they are dropped into enemy territory. They are quickly captured.
America sees Israel as the lesser of two evils in this battle and because of a strong desire for America to be in this war, it and its allies come to Israel's aid.
The United States joins the Israeli's in the war but many of its normal allies are extremely reluctant to join in. America puts pressure on France and other countries on the basis of its support during previous wars and eventually these countries join the invasion force. At the same time there is dissension amongst the Arab nations and it is some time before the nations that once made up Greater Persia, commit themselves to the cause.
The American's use Syria as an air base for a full year but in calculating a major air strike they fail to take into account differences in the calendars of the Middle-East. This causes great offence to Islamic fundamentalists and escalates the war for it unifies the Persian nations in support of Iraq.
Western paranoia and Islamic fanaticism then create a fatal mix.
Iran is invaded and the Israeli army behaves in a vicious manner towards its captives and the general population. It tends to treat all Arabs as hostile to Israel. However the Pentagon soon learns that the Israeli's are behaving in a tyrannical harsh manner towards the Arabs and the support of its allies then wanes.
This disquiet spreads and their support for the Israeli cause against the Palestinians diminishes further. They increasingly come to believe that Israel's problems have been accentuated by its own tyranny towards those it conquers.
France has been particularly reluctant to join in the war but under the strong encouragement of the USA it does so. It is not long however, before the French troops suffer the worst casualties of any of the allies. They are attacked from the rear by Iranian troops.
The following is one of my verses about submarines. Verse I.46
The Persian/ Arab people are incensed to desperation, the Iranians resolve a terrible revenge. Over a period of twenty-seven years two major plans evolve. One is ongoing and involves the contamination of petrol with radioactive substances. The other involves the use of human nuclear bombs which is more like a reaction of the Chernobyl type (melt down) rather than an atomic bomb (rapid combination).
The course that is chosen causes widespread ruin in Iran, America, Asia, Europe and as far south as Australia. The Persians find it easy to attract recruits willing to die unquestioningly in search of revenge. It takes several years for this operation to build to its climax. During this period the PLO turns against its own leaders with Arafat being one of many it kills. Over the years Persia prepares a whole band of devotees to be dispersed around the world with a single aim, to destroy the Western nations. The contamination plan exploits the Western world's vulnerability through its addiction to petrol fuels and its disregard for its environmental consequences. At many places in the Middle East and Africa, fuel contamination becomes a regular practice. The nuclear plan is simple. Two people, carrying a few kilograms of uranium, a size just under the critical mass, will meet and in a single embrace create a nuclear bomb. These bombs will be detonated in places where there are no guards, often remote sites but also places where it is not thought there is likely to be a terrorist attack. It could be a desert or a wilderness alongside or upwind of a target for the fallout is what is the killer not just the explosion. The first places to be hit by the nuclear explosions are Israel and the American east but it is only a little while before a series of nuclear explosions rocks the non Islamic World including Italy, Britain, France Spain, Australia, China as well as America. The Australian parliament is one such target. The worst damage is in America and like Iran much of it is uninhabitable. No defensive apparel allows people to live in these ravaged countries. Each year apparel is upgraded but it is is still inadequate. The French are prominent in developing equipment for use on aeroplanes.
The following is one of my verses showing Nostredame's commentary on the coming war. Verse
The contamination threat comes from the burning of fuels and the potential for the suppliers to lace petroleum with radioactive materials. Such a method means that the prosperity of the industrialised countries is devastatingly turned against themselves.
The jet airplane becomes one of the major threats to lifestyle. The modern lifestyle causes an ever increasing air traffic that can be used to deliver greater and greater radiation dosages into the sky.
The problem is massive because there are no alternative fuels suitable for fast propulsion through the air and yet the jet engine is environmentally very invasive.
Although the Western industrial countries are morally outraged by this crime their arguments are diminished by their contribution to the problems of the world's atmosphere. This contribution comes from the same vehicles that its enemies now seek to exploit.
Countries such as America, Israel, Russia and the United Kingdom are targets through their use of oil from the Middle-East.
Amongst the countries affected is Russia, much to that countries annoyance, as they feel a special relationship should exist between them and the oil suppliers. There is a considerable angry dialogue between Russia and Persia when the effects of the pollution are uncovered.
The inability of the consumer countries to combat the impact on the environment is seen as endemic paralysis in much the same way as the poisoners are trapped by their social values. Both act in disregard to their own long-term health.
The timing of these events is seen to be in the period before the atomic wars and initiated by countries within the old Persian Empire but they are not always the same country as starts the nuclear war with its bombs in Vermont and Israel. The plot is discovered at the time when the British monarchy is at its greatest disrepute and about to end.
A significant port involved in the contamination is the Iranian city of Abadan which lies close to the border of Iraq. Those aiming to pollute the petrol are able to evade or bribe the police and other guards at the port.
Another impact is that the temperature over major Western cities increases dramatically so that the sky feels as though its ablaze. America particularly feels the impact.
One of the major sources for this irradiated petroleum is Sudan in Upper Africa. The mineral used comes from new mines discovered in the south of Sudan by a French company using German geologists.
American marine engineers in combination with Australian forces uncover towers that contain contaminated petrol. This leads to a world alert from the United Nations.
The petroleum contamination campaign by Persia is not the only method of avenging the nuclear disaster that accompanies the second Gulf War. The discovery of the petroleum plot causes the Persians to activate their other deadly scheme. This campaign of mass suicidal nuclear 'bombing' is the product of many years preparation. For several years their agents infiltrate into different countries and over many more they slowly accumulate minute amounts of radioactive elements until there is more than enough to exceed the critical mass needed for a chain reaction. The President of the United States is the target of one of the first bombs and the trail of its genesis lies in Palenque, Mexico and Montpelier, Vermont. The United States is alert to the threat, they know who they are looking for, what they are looking for and what goes wrong with their system. It is known that Montpelier is the target. There are provisions in place that preclude its enemies or those perceived as enemies from flying on planes anywhere near the sites listed in this document. The police are replaced by special agents, the skies are cleared of planes and yet it still happens. The European are also alert and successfully track down several potential threats. There is a particular interest in couples with Persian backgrounds and the American legislature defines the zones from which it will admit foreigners. This becomes an even greater concern when the cancerous effects of radiation in Russia are announced. The lax regime for controlling radioactive materials is made far more draconian and biochemical checks at airports become much more exhaustive. Anthrax bearing soil is incinerated immediately. Montpelier is identified by the Persians decades before the site is used. They have detailed maps of the layout of the airport and have continually updated them so that they know where to hideout and where to evafe detection by the guards. Montpelier is chosen as a target because the air flows place it in a direct route with a large part of the American population. The carriers of this first bomb to America are young attractive lovers. These young people immortalise the agents that destroyed the twin Trade Centre towers on September 11th, 2001. The times have never been so violent. The female of the pair sees fame in death as do the other agents dispersing around the world on that day. |
The following is a verse about the President's death Verse
They fly on from a flight to Palenque, Mexico where they were meant to stay with the group with which they are travelling.
At the same time as their journey commences pigs are moved on a rail train from Montreal, Quebec through Montpelier. The pigs are slaughtered and incinerated carefully. From each is gathered a small but significant quantity of uranium, fed to them prior to their journey.
The lovers make their way by air to Montpelier. Air hostesses on an Air Israel flight should notice them but the older records of their journey prior to this have been destroyed. The code name of the 'Bear' had been spotted on a Qantas airline but only after the pair had gone. The male is particularly identifiable but not on superficial inspection. Although he travels as a lover there is an ironic twist in this for in battle in Italy his penis was severed by a barbed spear.
In Montpelier the small quantities of uranium are placed in bags and taken near to Montpelier airport where at towers near a bridge they are secreted in pipes within the buildings. These towers are at a point rarely visited by guards.
The airport is not a commercial airport and there would normally not be many guards but this is the airport of the prophecy so it is always under guard. The lovers arrive in Montpelier and yet are not detected. They are so convincing that despite all the fore-knowledge they are let into the city and it is from here that the most devastating attack on the US begins.
A few moments before the explosion occurs in Vermont a nuclear attack is taking place in Israel. The Israeli's are under-prepared and do not have enough medicine or protective apparel. Shortly before the radioactive fallout and atomic blast hits the surrounding countryside the earth is felt to tremble.
The ionosphere is severely depleted by the radioactive materials released into the atmosphere by petrol contamination. It is only the uppermost of the five layers of the Ionosphere that remains intact. American aeroplane's using contaminated fuel are a significant contributor to the damage of the lower layers but the radioelements released by the tyrant's bombers are also significant. This leads to some catastrophic climate changes over a period of many years but the worst years are in the mid 30's of this century. This date can confidently be used as a guide to the timing of other events. As the ionosphere's protecting barriers are destroyed ultraviolet rays increase. The destruction causes ice caps to melt as temperatures increase. Cancers also rise as planes unwittingly become atomic machines spewing out metallic poisons. At that time there will be huge tidal waves, a rise in the oceans by up to six meters and an increase in temperature in one year up to 48 degrees centigrade.
The tyrant Seph Boreas (references still to come) Seph Boreas is a tyrant whose origin is in the north of Iran. He is the youngest son and comes to rule through the murder of his older brother. He is the master-mind behind the plots that lead to the radioactive bomb plots. It is under his rule that a different fuel is developed and stockpiled. |
The following verse blames American consumption and the new tyrant for the environmental disaster. Verse