"Know me well |
For this is eternal |
I cannot share as mortals wish |
In caring patterned choices |
But do as ever has been done |
Affect in isolation. |
There is no love or favour |
Yet we touch as you well know |
And by my touching mental chords |
your inspiration comes." |
Report for Committee investigating website at http://members.tripod.com/AlynPtdLtd/nd .
Yesterday I spent a day going through Thomas material. I was fortunate in that I was able to get him to restart the process and run through the rationale for his choices.
He reasoned that I couldnt comprehend the outcome unless I ran though the decoding process myself so he created a blank database where the only material was the original material of Nostradamus Prophecies. He used Erika Cheethams version for the reason that he believed it closest to that of the original publications.
Investigation of techniques used in Thomas analysis of Nostradamus.
Thomas suggested that I try to find a way to start a decoding process. He suggested I choose words that I thought would be relevant to any person decoding Nostradamus.
I asked "But in what language?"
He replied "Use English since it is your native language. Lets see where it leads."
I chose the words United States, American and president.
Thomas said "These are fine but we will have to make them a little harder to find. We need to use USA-President.
I asked him why and he replied "The program is designed to analyse frequency of words and to see whether particular pairs occur above reasonable expectation. By building a list of such words one can see whether they are coherent or just random meaningless collections of words. But words which are very short and words made up with only common letters will create too many random links to be usefully analysed."
I was shown how to enter the words into the new lexicon using one program and then ran another to locate every occurrence. Each time it found one I could see it displayed as a split anagram marking out the letters against the line where it was found. It took about 30 seconds to examine the 3700 lines of text and mark out every position which it then stored in a second data base using tokens for each word.
At the end of the process it showed me that there were 4 occurrences of united-states, 50 of usa-president and 52 of american.
I asked him the significance of these. He replied " The chances are that they are insignificant. Take United-States for instance; there are only four occurrences and yet the letters in it are all of very high frequency. The whole group is far below what could be expected by chance alone. Astronomy and astronomic which are of much greater difficulty appear 16 and 24 times respectively."
He showed me the places where the four United-States anagrams appeared and one of these is the very first line of the very first verse Estant assis de nuict secret estude. To me it looked as though there were three parts and I asked him if that was normal.
"No, but in actuality there are only two sections because my programs treat the letters as if they are in a circle. The program only allows a word or word-group to be split into two parts. In the above instance the program found united states in Estant assis de nuict secret estudeESTANTAS.
Thomas then asked me to see if I could find a reasonable message relating to my key words in the first verse.
Estant assis de nuict secret estude. |
Seul repose sur la selle daerain: |
Flambe exigue fortant de solitude, |
Fait psperer q nest a croire vain. |
I tried for about half an hour but didnt achieve much. In the first line I could see assassinated in de-antassiss but the other lines defeated me. At the end of that time I confessed I wasnt getting anywhere. Thomas showed me some of his early work on this same verse in which he could extend this idea of assassinated United States to become President of United States assassinated but it involved letters from the first three lines. He claimed that given enough letters he could make the verses say anything and that such methods are therefore very dubious. He added that one day codes like the one he had found may be discovered but their reliability depended on finding a rigorous formula to give the exact message and its date. Without rigour such interpretations are meaningless. And without deliberate intent by a historical coder such patterns were unlikely to exist.
Thomas then asked me if I was interested to see how he had used this verse and I of course readily agreed.
He said that instead of looking for an end product or prediction he treated the first verse as a clue to code. He stated "It seemed to me that if Nostradamus expected his work to be decoded in the future then its key could not be a normal one. Usually the coder hands the key to those he wants to read his message. This usual key is in plain text so that the readers can easily understand it but in Nostradamus case he couldnt do that. Even the key had to be coded. There is a clue to this in his letter to Cesar:
"The first verse is a logical place to look for code and I felt I needed to look for obvious words. I expected to find at least one of the following words in this verse- Nostradamus, Michel, Nostredame, Centuries, quatrain, quatrein, prophecies, prophet, prediction.
"On looking I found Centuries in the first line of the verse estant assis de nuict secret estude. If you take these letters out you are left with "estant assis de c estude. This remainder seems to carry an anagram of assisted, assistance or assistant. At this stage it looks as though it is an aid to solving the Centuries but there is little else within the line to help solve it. I needed to look at the other lines.
"The second line Seul repose sur la selle daerain is almost impossible to do anything with but at the end of the line is rules read in all lines. This is based on a very clear set of anagrams within e sur la selle daerain and it is in keeping with what one would expect from a coding message. The problem is all the words are so short that they cant be reasonably analysed on their own. Composite word groups such as all-lines, all-readers all-rules etc. confirm the given interpretation is possible. This leaves the beginning seulrepos as unsolved. "
Thomas then said the third line contained some relatively easily seen anagrams and asked me to look for as many as I could from Flambe exigue fortant de solitude.
I readily found quite a few and Thomas then helped me find one or two others. I found female, guide, before, fable. He pointed out fixed and figure. When we removed the letters of the words from the line we were left with tant de solitude
Thomas then stated "Although I had guides from other key verses and you dont, I think you may be able to see that the remainders of each line can be turned into a common thread by using just one of Wagners operas Tristan Isolde.
"Then the end of the third line reads as Tristan-duet and Isolde-duet, the beginning of the second line is operas-rules.
Next we both made an effort to assemble the first three lines. Thomas wrote:
"Centuries secret date assistance inside duets tunes. |
Operass rules used so all lines real rules are read. |
Fable figure fixed before female guide used in Tristan Isolde duet ." |
I wrote:
"Centuries assistance necessitated secret used in duets. |
Use opera rules so all readers see real lines. |
Fable fixed female guide before Tristan Isolde duet figure used." |
Thomas commented "You can see that the output is variable but the lines themselves form and shape the resultant message. It is hard to escape the impact of the second line. This is true of so many lines that are difficult; the opera and fable story allow them to be resolved.
I asked " You still havent explained why you use English. It seems an unlikely language for Nostradamus to use."
Thomas replied "I will answer your query by asking you two questions. The first is if you were attempting to decode Nostradamus would it be reasonable to assume you were going to fail? I dont need an answer because it is blatantly obvious you cannot work on the basis that you arent the decoder.
"The second question is if you are trying to establish whether Nostradamus was able to predict the future would it be reasonable to presume he could not work in the mode that would be used by the decoder? Again it would be stupid to build tests based on the assumption that he could not see the future.
"The rest follows from these two assumptions.
"By assuming I was the decoder I wasnt claiming to be, but it changes the expectation of the material.
"Nostradamus had a very good memory and was a very capable linguist. If Nostradamus was capable of reading any aspect of the future then it would be reasonable to assume he had access to enough material to learn a modern language.
"If Nostradamus could see the future it is likely he could see some of the detail about the decoder, enough to know the language in which he or she worked.
"Any person seeking to decode Nostradamus must work from the basis that they will succeed and to be consistent should include an investigation using their native language. That is why I use English. The fact that there is a pattern using it does not prove I am the decoder but it prevents me from dismissing English as a language vehicle for Nostradamus.
There was still the last line of the first quatrain to be resolved and we turned our attention to that: "Fait psperer q nest a croire vain."
Thomas commented on the difficulty of the q without a u. "I refuse to change letters for my convenience he said "This method was designed to overcome the difficulties in an unreliable text. It tests frequencies and Ill show you that in a moment, but it does not require me to change the text as printed by Erika Cheetham in her Nostradamus Prophecies, 1995 edition. For the sake of solving this line you may like to use the v as an ambiguous u/v, this then lets you find the word quatrein in the line."
After a little time I came up with a line that read:
At first it prepares variances in qvatreins fractions.
This seemed to fit best to the other lines with fraction relating to figure and prepares variance relating to fixed.
So we had each given meaning to the verse and it was possible to see there was variation but that the general form of each of our solutions was similar. I had a slightly different solution to Thomas for the last line but I had been given freedom to vary a letter. He was not concerned at the variation in the verse for this was to be expected by the means of analysis. He was more interested in the frequency analyses of the verse. His opinion was Each line probably has a coded meaning and we can see its shape but not its rigid structure. It is only by mass analysis that we can make a more meaningful assessment of whether there is a reality behind it. What we have just done can manipulate the result but if we analyse the frequency of relationships there can be no manipulation, there are too many cross analyses to control.
Thomas then showed me the frequency analyses of the words we had entered and surprisingly there did seem to be a connection of themes within them. I managed to get a printout of the full analysis of Tristan-duet showing the list of words with above normal expectation. They appear in ranked order and I have only made minor adjustments to their order and inserted a couple of shorter words for readability.
Tristan-duet governs lower-pair rune-rules (in) longer-verse. |
Date-refers (to the) map-under all-tunes. |
Operas-rule requires Icelanders older-rules poem-rules. |
Vagner opera-includes opera-states-rune under-aria (in) Isolde-tune. |
Nostredame Centuries uses-rune (that) pagan Norse-list offers (to) produce star-routes mansion figures. |
Duet-tune duet-alters axis hours. |
First feature defines superior level (to that) prop (&) stave rune-pair acquires. |
There is a clear implication that Nostradamus used Nordic runes to encode astronomic dates and that Wagners music reveals the way in which he used them. There is a high order of linked references relating to Wagners Tristan and Isolde opera , the Icelandic poetry prop & stave methods and to movement of the stars. The linking of Nostredame and Centuries is another correct linking.
I could not help wondering if Thomas data-base only contained references of this type but he showed me quite a few of the words in the list and it was apparent there were other topics relating to coding techniques, mathematics and music terms. These other topics constitute over 50% of the lexicon and yet do not appear in the analysis of Tristan-duet. There appears good potential for chaos to occur out of the frequency analysis and yet such chaos is not readily apparent.
Thomas claimed it was impossible for him to control the input of words so that the cross references worked. I therefore inquired "How, if its so difficult, did Nostradamus do it?"
He replied "If Nostradamus did write this code there is no great difficulty for him, he was coding it not decoding. It is only if a decoder is analysing something that doesnt really exist that a difficulty is encountered. All Nostradamus had to do was to write a set of coding instructions and a set of the secret prophecies he wanted to hide. He could then select a line or lines from the coding instructions and arrange them so that they contained both the hidden code and the readable text. The readable text would look somewhat strange just as Nostradamus quatrains appear. The coding instructions are lost in the process but can be recovered because the same lines are used over and over again throughout the text. The letters of related words will appear close together and frequency analysis reveals them.
"The final outcome should be that patterns are seen that have highly relevant association and which relate to instructions about coding methods."
I had to concede that the analysis using opera related words seemed to fit the first verse that we had just analysed but I persevered with my topic of the American President. Thomas seemed to have little interest in it claiming that analyses based on this theme had only led to the chaos expected if there were no theme.
I asked him if he felt that his work had proved that there were these hidden themes in Nostradamus. He replied "It is not possible to absolutely prove that these themes result from coding by Nostradamus but the results are certainly strange enough to maintain my interest. This type of code is only proven when it is fully cracked and I dont think I have done that yet."
I then asked him why he had chosen this method of analysis.
Thomas replied "I chose this method because of the nature of the code I expected to find. I knew Nostradamus had to hide his decoding instructions in his writings. Unlike normal coding he could not hand the material containing the key to his readers. The decoder has to find the key. This means there is a triple message in the text. The first is the one all people read. The second is the hidden message and the third is the instructions about reading the code.
"It is reasonably difficult to incorporate three levels of message into the text. One way would be to use a morse-code mechanism but this method relies on an accurate text. Nostradamus would have known the distortions that took place in sixteenth century printing. This is unlikely to be the method for the instructions but might apply to the hidden message provided each idea is exactly repeated twice more as a check for validity.
"To encode the instructions a statistical method based on repetition had to be used. The method of analysis that I use is not necessarily related to the way it is coded but it is a powerful way of analysing for a repeated message. The method used may not have been anagrams and the messages we think are in this verse may be unreal but the frequency analysis could well lead to a correct association even when the method is wrong. That is why I rely more on the frequency analysis than the messages in the lines."
I could tell that he felt he had shown me enough but I induced him to let me work on the second verse to see if there was any continuity of ideas.
As we worked through the second verse I saw how difficult it was to resolve a high number of lines. In this verse the second and fourth line are particularly hard. Thomas claimed it was the lines like these that defined the shape of the code if it existed. "It doesnt matter what language or encoding technique was originally used, these lines are the ones that will result in its solution. They contain so few different letters that there is little choice left to the decoder as he analyses each line of verse. They shape him so strongly that there are only a limited number of solutions."
He showed me the second verse and suggested I begin work on the second line for it was the most difficult.
Centuries I, Quatrain 2
"La verge en main mise au milieu de BRANCHES, |
De londe il moulle et le limbe et le pied: |
Vn peur et voix fremissent par les manches, |
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres sassied." |
(Note: Thomas consistently replaces & with et)
I worked on this line by myself and I found I was compelled to choose the same word frames Thomas had chosen. I didnt pick all of the ones he had chosen but he had worked on it for months before he formed his chosen list. Within De londe il moulle et le limbe et le pied I found olden, model, module, middle but the end of the line I found hard to resolve. Thomas supplied illumed, implied, odd-line and a composite word poet-emblem which helped resolve the difficult part.
The first line was different. Lots of easy anagrams came to mind. La verge en main mise au milieu de BRANCHES begins with revealing name is main and there is also illumed, guide, words that appear in the next line and the previous verse.
Thomas pointed out a very complex anagram that occurs in both lines 1 and 3. It only occurs 5 more times in the whole text but twice in quatrain 2. Its appearance seems totally in keeping with the beginning of the first line. The anagram is mechanism. Michel also appears in the first line. When the letters of these words are all removed the letters br are left and they can be resolved from liue d-br into rebuild
We worked through the other two lines with the last line again proving difficult but eventually I felt I could reconstruct the lines as;
La verge en main mise au milieu de BRANCHES, |
Revealing name as main mechanism illumed in the guide Michels lines rebuild. |
De londe il moulle et le limbe et le pied: |
Odd-line middle module implied in emblem-poet illumed. |
Vn peur et voix fremissent par les manches, |
To prevent motives fixture use planet name patterns as mechanism. |
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres sassied. |
Splendid rules Druid runes used inspired seers line ideas. |
Again I had resolved the verse into a reasonable coding message that hints at the use of runes as planetary symbols, a device that is used to prevent easy detection.
This runic connection is interesting because, as Thomas pointed out, many of the French words in this verse are names for the nine runic poems; branches and limbs are the runes for physicians, and other runic names such as waves, voice , speech and spirit are all present. And runes had shown up strongly in the frequency analysis of Tristan-duet
Thomas was reluctant to show me more for we had spent many hours getting to this point. However despite the disappointment of not proceeding further I feel I learnt enough of the process to be of benefit to us.
In conclusion my observations are much the same as Thomas. Nothing is proven by all of this but there is sufficient merit in the evidence and methods to maintain our interest.